Full disclosure here friends; I don’t drink.
Well, not really anyways. Occasionally I’ll have a glass of wine or a margarita in the right setting. But alcohol just isn’t my thing. I’m pretty sure if Eddie reads this himself, he’s going to need some smelling salts. I’m revealing this for those out there reading and thinking “why would I read a cocktail book, I don’t drink”? Trust me, it’s too fun, and gorgeous to pass up! As long as your’re a classic movie or noir fan, this is going to be for you!
Eddie Muller’s Noir Bar Cocktails inspired by The World of Film Noir is the newest release from the TCM Library, and Running Press. Host of TCM’s Noir Alley, Muller has written other works, including Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir, Tab Hunter Confidential, and the upcoming children’s book Kid Noir: Kitty Feral and the Case of the Marshmallow Monkey. Muller is also the founder of the nonprofit Film Noir Foundation, which seeks to rescue and restore films from America, and overseas.
Noir Bar is comprised of carefully curated cocktails, that are paired along with 50 film noir classics. Before you dive into the classic pairings, Muller gives the reader an introduction to the book. Here, I learned he was actually a professional bartender before he was known to us in the world of classics as the Czar of Noir. He goes on to give the reader everything they need to know about how to properly stock an at-home bar, how to select the right barware and glassware, and lastly, a basic guide to making the perfect drink.
This hardback book is a compact 7×8 size, perfect for your home bar or coffee table. It’s sleek, glossy black pages are the perfect choice for a cocktail book. They also add a layer of noir, which is so fitting. The book features so many dark, moody classics like The Maltese Falcon, In a Lonely Place (Muller’s favorite movie), and Out of the Past (my favorite film noir). Every pairing includes a gorgeous photograph of the film’s poster and/or lobby card, plus other beautiful stills form the movies. I absolutely love movie posters, so this was a treat to see them included.
Many well known classics are included. I especially loved seeing the lesser known “B” films though. Decoy, a “B” film I hadn’t heard of was one I bought immediately. Muller’s description sounded like it was an unhinged, crazy ride. (Spoiler, it is!). Some films included, I initially questioned because they aren’t your typical film noir. Muller addresses this while discussing A Kiss Before Dying by saying “there are some who will insist that this 1956 film – shot in Arizona of all non-noir places, and in De Luxe Color and Cinemascope- simply does not qualify as film noir.” He goes on to say ” I will counter that the film is a vivid 50’s variation on classic noirs with villians as the leading man – Shadow of a Doubt (1943), Hangover Square (1945), Nightmare Alley (1947), The Devil Thumbs a Ride (1947), Night and the City (1950) among many others”. Many of the films he listed are delightfully included in the collection.
Not to leave the cocktails out, I want to highlight how detailed Muller is on the drinks included. He gives information on where they came from, and if they are in the film they are paired with. The cocktail portion of the book is fascinating. Whether you know a lot or a little on the subject, you’ll appreciate the history he provides. Each recipe included, suggests the type of glass the cocktail should be served in. Most have notes with each, so anyone can make these at their home bars. I hope you’re showing the cocktails corresponding film as well!
Noir Bar was a fun read! From the facts included with each film/cocktail pairing, to the gorgeous photos, this book has something for everyone. Muller is humorous throughout, and knowledgeable about not only the films, but cocktails as well. You can order Noir Bar wherever books are sold. It hits book stores May 23rd. If you’d like to pre-order, you’ll find a link at the top of the blog to order.
As always, stop and enjoy a Tuesday Matinee.
I think your blog is awesome! Even if you are my daughter… lol
Keep up the great work.