I opened my blog today with the intent on writing about my Mom’s passing finally. I can literally feel the weight on my chest creeping back. The anxiety pressure in my head. But I’m pushing forward. I’m stretching myself to do the hard things. She deserves a post on my blog as she was such…
Author: meganchristman414
Summer Under the Stars
How can it be August already? My daughter is going back to school in two weeks, the heat will hopefully start wrapping up soon, and Summer Under the Stars is here! Oh that sweet time of year that every TCM fan waits patiently for. I’m always anxious to see which of my favorite actors or…
Happy 30th TCM!
With April being TCM’s 30th anniversary, and the annual film festival this past weekend, it had me thinking about my love of Turner Classic Movies. Where would I be without the network? What does it mean to me? Keep reading for random memories and thoughts I had when reminiscing on TCM. When I started racking…
Double Indemnity and The Rise of Film Noir
From Running Press and Turner Classic Movies, From The Moment They Met It Was Murder: Double Indemnity and the Rise of Film Noir is the newest book for all the classic movie (especially noir) fans. Written by renowned film writers Alain Silver and James Ursini, the book dives into all facets of the story that…
50 Oscar Nights
50 Oscar Nights is the newest installment from the Turner Classic Movies Library, and Running Press. Written by TCM’s own Dave Karger, it features 50 interviews with Oscar winners ranging from the 60’s to 2019. Interviews include Hollywood royalty like Octavia Spencer, Clint Eastwood, Francis Ford Coppola, and Meryl Streep. With so many books written…
Good Morning
Happy New Year readers! I hope 2024 is treating you well and that you’re not ready to just return it =) I thought I would hop on here and just babble I guess. I haven’t posted a blog like that in quite a while. Jack is running around like the baby Hulk he is. Mamma’s…
My Top 5 Movies this Holiday Season
By the 2nd week of November I typically start watching Christmas movies, and don’t stop till after the new year. Every holiday season I seem to gravitate towards certain films more than others. There are some clear favorites straight away this year. One in particular I had never seen before. So here are my top…
Christmas in the Movies (Revised & Expanded Edition)
Of all the books I’ve gifted over the years, the first edition of this book is at the top of the list. It’s the perfect Christmas gift! Even if someone isn’t a “reader”, they’ll love looking at the gorgeous photographs, getting movie recommendations, and having a beautiful piece to display during Christmas. It’s the perfect…
Lena Horne: Goddess Reclaimed
Goddess Reclaimed is the newest edition to the Turner Classic Movies Library and Running Press. Written by Donald Bogle, he has authored many books on Black cinema history, including the Turner Classic Movies book, Hollywood Black. If you’re looking to learn about Lena Horne, view gorgeous photographs (some never before seen), or learn about Black…
A.K.A. Lucy
You guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First off, I am a massive Lucy fan. MASSIVE!!! So, chances were good I was going to love this book. But, I never expected to love it this much. I didn’t realize on such a deeper level, why I’ve always loved Lucille Ball the person. Or how much I relate to her. I…