Hey there! Hope ya’ll have been well, enjoying spring break (if you got one).
I’ll be honest, I was really hoping to have my post about The Thing From Another World out by now. I expected to take a break…… but not this long. Life happens sometimes. Good and bad. I’m angry at myself for letting Tuesday Matinee go to the back burner for now, but, it is what it is. But I haven’t been just sitting around eating bon bons. (I’ve actually been eating cookie dough bites)
I reread the story that The Thing is based on. It was assigned reading in a Women’s Sci-fi Lit and Movies class in college, and I had already seen the movie at that point. I really wanted to read it again to have it fresh in my mind while I was watching the movie and writing about it. I’ll probably watch the movie another 15 times in the next week or so to help me finish the blog post. If you want to read the story, just know the film is loosely based on it. They’re very different, and stand on their own. But it’s worth your time if you want to take an afternoon and read it. I’ll link it here. amazon.com/Who-Goes-There-Novella-Formed/dp/098233220
I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy of Eddie Muller’s new book Noir Bar and have been reading it. I do not drink, but this book is so fun! Film noir is such an interesting genre for me. It’s so gritty and dark, and has some of the most brilliant screenplays and cinematography of all time. Noir Bar has some fascinating films included. From my personal favorite, Out of the Past, to Shadow of a Doubt, and Mildred Pierce, there are so many great films for everyone. I’ve been watching some of the films I haven’t seen before, including Alias Nick Beal, The Big Clock, and The Blue Gardenia. Aside from Alias Nick Beal, I love the films I’ve been watching. Noir Bar would make a really great gift for any classic movie lover, and/or mixologist. I’ll have a complete review out next month, closer to the pub date.
Aside from film noir, I’ve been watching my fleet of comfort movies. We all have certain things we do when we’re stressed or overwhelmed. My thing is watching Vertigo. Over, and over, and over. I can only attribute this strange habit to a time I was going through a big life change, and was new to my obsession of Hitchcock. Cookie Dough bites go well with Vertigo by the way. Trust me, perfect snack. Little Women (49), and Love Affair have been some go to’s as well lately. I also watched a movie my mom has been begging me to watch, Adam Had Four Sons. It stars Warner Baxter, Ingrid Bergman, and Susan Hayward. You’ll find a description and more info at the top of the home page with the other movies of the month. I give it a solid 3 stars (out of 5).
I’m active on Instagram, and post reels daily. Click the link at the top of the page to find my page and follow for daily reels and stories. I enjoy using the TCM tagline of “Then meets Now” when making reels, and typically use modern music with classic movie images to create reels. They feel fresh, yet classic.
I hope to be back in the next week or two with a new post. Life is just in the way right now. Until next time friends.
Slow down and enjoy a Tuesday Matinee.