From Running Press and Turner Classic Movies, From The Moment They Met It Was Murder: Double Indemnity and the Rise of Film Noir is the newest book for all the classic movie (especially noir) fans. Written by renowned film writers Alain Silver and James Ursini, the book dives into all facets of the story that would eventually come to the big screen as Double Indemnity, and the aftermath of it’s success on film noir.
Chapter 1 delves into the little known true crime story of Ruth Snyder and Henry Judd Gray. Convicted in 1927 and sentenced to death, Ruth, a housewife and Henry, a traveling salesman (sound familiar?) conspired to kill her husband. Except their plan was fumbled every step of the way, and they were swiftly convicted of his death shortly after. This is the event that inspired James M. Cain’s book Double Indemnity. I never realized that the truly dark and frightening characters of Phyllis Dietrichson and Walter Neff in Billy Wilder’s film version of the story, were based off of real murderers. Knowing nothing prior to reading Silver and Ursini’s book about the true crime story, I found this aspect of the book so fascinating. I suspect true crime fans will really enjoy this as well.
As the book progresses, each chapter follows the next development of how the Snyder and Gray case became what we all know today as the film Double Indemnity. Chapters included focus on the crime writers involved in the story and screenplay, to the director of Double Indemnity. The production of the film, and then the influence Double Indemnity had on the rise of a new genre in film called film noir filled the last chapters. The book flows easily from chapter to chapter. Going chronologically, you see the whole arc of how Double Indemnity came to fruition. Also included are hundreds of photos from newspaper clippings of the Snyder and Gray case, to many stills of the film Double Indemnity.
It was fun to read about how the Hays Code interrupted films like Double Indemnity or The Postman Always Rings Twice being made. Many were shelved due to inappropriate themes or situations. I also enjoyed learning every aspect of the true crime case turning from book to movie. Double Indemnity and the Rise of Film Noir is every true crime, and film noir fan’s dream!
You can buy the newest edition to the TCM library online through many book retailers, Target, or Amazon. I’ve linked it at the top of the blog if you’d like to order now. As always, slow down and enjoy a Tuesday Matinee.