Happy New Year readers! I hope 2024 is treating you well and that you’re not ready to just return it =) I thought I would hop on here and just babble I guess. I haven’t posted a blog like that in quite a while.
Jack is running around like the baby Hulk he is. Mamma’s Family is on, which is one of my favorites. My daughter says I only watch things with grandmas in them. She’s not wrong really. I finished reading Dave Karger’s new book, part of the TCM Library, 50 Oscar Nights. Such a fresh take on the Oscars. I got lucky again and was able to do a little interview with Dave via email. My review will be out next week.
I’ve been writing down my plans and goals for the blog for 2024. More than anything else, I want to finish my research on John Gavin and write a post about him. I am truly fascinated by him. I also want to start researching the film Some Came Running, which was filmed down the road from my house. I’d love to dig deep into the history of the film and it’s history here in Madison. Planning posts about My Name Julia, and aliens in 1950’s films as well. These are two random things I am obsessed with. I’m also looking at my favorite year in film. I think it’ll make a great blog. Val Lewton, Irene Dunne, and modern books that would make great classic movies are all on my radar too for blog posts. Plus all the new books in the world of classic movies. I love a good book, and a good review!
I keep throwing around the idea of a monthly newsletter with movie recs, new book releases, movie/recipe ideas, classic stars birthdays and anniversaries of big films. If you have suggestions for a newsletter or what you’d like to see in one, drop your comments below. I would love to get this off the ground.
At the top of the blog you’ll see 3 movies under the tool bar. These movies will change each month to highlight my top 3 movies to watch on TCM that month. I hope you find some you love too, or ones you’ve never heard of that you can try and watch. Book links are in the tool bar, and on the side of the blog for you to order. Instagram and Facebook links are in the tool bar as well to visit those to see other content related to classic movies and film stars.
Throwing it out into the universe that Baltimore will be in the super bowl in a few weeks. Nothing would be more joyful than seeing my favorite team and player (Jackson) win. Football is life guys….right behind classic movies =)
Slow down and enjoy a Tuesday Matinee.