Like so many others, fall is my favorite time of year! Okay, maybe second favorite, but lets not get real technical here. Fall offers up cooler weather, FOOTBALL, yummy crock pot soups and pumpkin patches. It also offers some beautiful and fun movies to watch while you’re enjoying time with family and friends. Although I…
I had the pleasure of sitting down early one morning in June to talk to the voices behind my favorite classic movie themed podcast, Hitchpod. If you’ve never heard of it, but love Alfred Hitchcock, go wherever you get your podcasts and download, follow or subscribe. They were so fun, witty and smart. Nothing beats…
The Future of Turner Classic Movies
Last week, word started going around about massive lay offs of the heads of Turner Classic Movies. Vanity Fair, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter and more began reporting that longtime executives like Pola Changnon were out. Changnon had led TCM since 2020, and had been with network for over 25 years. Others out at TCM included…
Eddie Muller’s Noir Bar
Full disclosure here friends; I don’t drink. Well, not really anyways. Occasionally I’ll have a glass of wine or a margarita in the right setting. But alcohol just isn’t my thing. I’m pretty sure if Eddie reads this himself, he’s going to need some smelling salts. I’m revealing this for those out there reading and…
To My Grandma
I’ve been trying to find the words to say for my Grandma. I felt like I wanted to say something, I just didn’t know how, or what. My blog is the one place I can be my authentic self on, so where better to share a little bit about her then here? My grandma’s name…
Classic Movies & Cookie Dough Bites
Hey there! Hope ya’ll have been well, enjoying spring break (if you got one). I’ll be honest, I was really hoping to have my post about The Thing From Another World out by now. I expected to take a break…… but not this long. Life happens sometimes. Good and bad. I’m angry at myself for…
And the Oscar Should go to…….
This past weekend, the 95th Academy Awards ceremony took place. For me, it was one of the best in years! Considering the shit show (sorry, but that term is the only appropriate one for the lack of decorum at last years ceremony) that was last years Oscars, it was so refreshing to see such happy,…
But Have you Read the Book?
I’ve said “But have you read the book” dozens of times. Most recently to friends when discussing 2022’s adaptation of Delia Owen’s novel Where the Crawdad’s Sing. But Have you Read the Book is the brilliant title of the newest edition from the TCM Library. Written by Kristen Lopez, I had the pleasure of sitting…
I Confess
I have a vinyl playing in the background with Dimitri Tiomkin’s famous movie scores. I Confess is currently playing, and it’s beautiful. Something about the theme always brings me back to a scene in the movie where Montgomery Clift and Anne Baxter are laying in a field together. They’ve just reunited after Clift has been…
Random Update
Hey there! Here is the random update no one asked for =) I’ve been hard at work researching and re-watching I Confess for next week’s blog. I wanted to push it out this week, but decided to wait. I wanted to do the best job I could, and pushing it out this week just to…