Hey there! Here is the random update no one asked for =)
I’ve been hard at work researching and re-watching I Confess for next week’s blog. I wanted to push it out this week, but decided to wait. I wanted to do the best job I could, and pushing it out this week just to get a new blog post out wasn’t right. Thank you to my friend Andy for answering Catholicism related questions. I Confess is a very religious film and I wanted to be sure I got things right as it pertains to the Catholic religion. Aside from I Confess, I have watched the film noir classic My Name is Julia Ross. I’ve seen this one probably 10 times. It’s one of my go to movies when I just don’t know what I want to watch. I may blog about it more later, but for now, if you can catch it somewhere, do. It’s a fabulous little mystery.
I also watched a Joan Crawford movie yesterday afternoon on TCM called This Woman is Dangerous. It was pretty good! I loved that my 2 homes of Indiana and Kentucky popped up in it. It centers around Crawford as a lady gangster who learns she will go blind in a week if she doesn’t have an operation. She has to travel to Indiana for the surgery, where she meets Dennis Morgan (her eye surgeon), and decides maybe the life of crime isn’t for her anymore. It was released in 1952 and also stars David Brian along side Crawford and Morgan. David Brian starred along side Joan in the 1950 film The Damned Don’t Cry, which was such a fantastic film. I will certainly blog about that classic at some point.
I’ve been chugging along reading a book called The Name Below the Title, by Rupert Alistair. It showcases 65 character actors from the golden age of Hollywood. You’ll know them all, either by face or name. They were everywhere during the golden age of Hollywood. I LOVE character actors, so this book has been fun to read. I love movies that have the greats like Frank Morgan, S.Z. Sakall, Thomas Mitchell, and Lucile Watson. I’ll have a full review out soon.
Happy to say, I just got my advanced copy of But Have you Read the Book? by Kristen Lopez. It’s part of the TCM library! I’ll be reading that this week and coming up with some questions for her. She’s graciously agreed to an interview, which I am so pumped for!!! The cover, and size are so beautiful and fun! It’s also got some gorgeous illustrations that I think add such a richness to the book. If you want to check it out, I have a link to it at the top of the blog home page, and one on the side. You can preorder it now through Amazon, and other retailers.
I’m also prepping questions for interviews I’m trying to secure with the author of my favorite book about classic movies, and the creators of my favorite Hitchcock podcast. Fingers crossed it all works out! I would love to chat with them about both!
Anyhow, I think that’s all. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. I certainly enjoyed mine going to volunteer in my daughter’s class for her party. Fun was had by us all. Enjoy your weekend, and remember, Slow down and enjoy a Tuesday Matinee.