Enjoy the rest of my top 10 favorite class movies, plus, all of my honorable mentions. I hope you enjoyed reading the fist half, and had time to catch a few that you haven’t seen.
#5 Now, Voyager 1942
No other mother/daughter relationship will break your heart as much as the one between Charlotte Vale and her mother in Now, Voyager. It’s gut wrenching the hold Mrs. Henry Vale has on Charlotte and the debilitating mental effects it has on her. Now, Voyager was the first film to unite Bette Davis with Claude Raines and Paul Henreid. Later, in 1946 they are reunited again for the drama Deception. It’s one to add to your watch list! Blossoming from ugly duckling to independent beauty is slow for Charlotte, but after some intense therapy under the care of Dr. Jaquith, the real Charlotte finally emerges, to the shock and awe of everyone around her. The moment the new Charlotte is revealed, behind a perfect white brimmed hat, you let out the biggest breath you never knew you were holding. It’s one of those scenes in a film that is just timeless and unforgettable. The hair, makeup and costume team of Martha Acker, Perc Westmore, and Orry-Kelly are what movie dreams are made of. All of which you’ll be talking about afterwards. This is a must see movie. Period. You can rent it on Prime for $3.99, or buy it here https://www.ccvideo.com/now-voyager-criterion-collection/715515238014
#4 An Affair to Remember 1957
Starring the debonair Cary Grant and beautiful Deborah Kerr, this is Leo McCarey’s remake of his original film, Love Affair from 1939 which starred Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer. Cary stars as Nicki Ferrante, a playboy going on a cruise without his signifiant other. He meets Terry McKay, played by Kerr, and like the title suggests, an affair to remember ensues. There is something so authentic in Grant’s performance, like he put a lot of himself into playing Nicki. Maybe he really did, or maybe he’s just that good of an actor that I felt this way. Either way, it’s hard not to fall in love him, and he’s such a dream to look at in this film. If you like romantic movies, this one is for you. Grab some popcorn, have some tissues ready, and enjoy! You can rent this one form Amazon Prime for $3.99 or buy it here https://www.ccvideo.com/affair-to-remember-1957-an-affair-to-remember/024543487982
#3 The Enchanted Cottage 1945
No film in my top 10 has as much meaning to me and this one. In 2020 I got to be a TCM Backlot guest programmer, and this was the film I introduced with host Alicia Malone. I’ll give more details on that experience during a later blog post. This is a little known gem, especially compared to all the other films on my list. The Enchanted Cottage stars Robert Young, Dorothy McGuire, and Herbert Marshall. This is the remake by John Cromwell, the original being filmed in 1924. In this updated sound version, a WW2 vet who’s wounded, meets and falls in love with a homely maid at the cottage he was to rent with his wife on his honeymoon. It’s the most enchanting little story. It will make your heart break, but be filled back up with warm, fuzzy feelings. It has a touch of fantasy that I hope most wont scoff at, but see the beauty in. You can find this movie for free on Tubi, rent it from Prime for $1.99, or buy it here https://www.ccvideo.com/the-enchanted-cottage/883316224687
#2 Notorious 1946
Hitchcock movies show up a lot on my list. Honestly, I could have put him in every slot on my list, and I would have felt good about it. He’s my favorite director. But Notorious, is really something special. The film takes the viewer from Miami to Rio following the daughter of a convicted Nazi spy. She ends up being an informant for the FBI, and agrees to marry a Nazi in order to help infiltrate the group and find their secrets. Notorious stars Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman and Claude Raines. You’ll never see Cary Grant quite like he is as Devlin, in any other film. For me, this is as vilianous as he’ll ever get, yet, the most romantic he’ll ever be too. I’m guessing you’ve heard of the kiss that got past the Hayes Code right? If not, you’re in for a heck of treat when you see it. Try and catch your breath while watching the wine cellar scene too. You’ll be nervous and holding your breath until the very last second. You can catch this brilliant movie for FREE on Tubi, or buy it here https://ccvideo.com/notorious-criterion-collection/715515224611
#1 Rear Window 1954
This has been my favorite movie for as long as I can remember. I don’t think it’s possible to love another film as much as I do Rear Window. It’s one of those rare movies that has it all; mystery, thrills, comedy, amazing costumes by Edith Head, Jimmy Stewart, and Hitchcock. There’s not much more you can ask for. Much like Hithcock’s Notorious, Rear Window made my heart pound, my nerves shot, and I couldn’t stop watching! Aside from Jimmy Stewart, Rear Window stars Grace Kelly, and Thelma Ritter (who is a hoot btw). The supporting cast adds so much comedy and the extra spice of drama. Edith Head’s classic designs for Grace Kelly are something to marvel. The set design is truly something of a masterpiece, being built in the studio, consisting of 31 apartments, a real courtyard, and 8 fully furnished with working water. The film follows Jimmy Stewart who is wheelchair bound after he was injured photographing a car race. While confined to the wheelchair in his apartment, he begins watching his neighbors. Set in Greenwich Village, Grace Kelly plays his girlfriend, and Thelma Ritter his nurse, both joining in on the mystery of a murdered wife. But was she really murdered? You’ll have to watch to find out. You can rent Rear Window from Prime for $3.99, or buy it here https://ccvideo.com/rear-window/025192154638
Honorable Mentions
It was tough narrowing this list down. I have so many films that mean so much to me or simply make me happy. I love The Uninvited from 1944, which stars Ray Milland and Ruth Hussey, and is one of the best ghost stories filmed. It’s a lesser known movie that I found on TCM, but certainly deserves the popularity of the likes of Hitchcock films and such. Meet Me in St. Louis is a Judy Garland classic that follows a tight knit family in the early 1900’s. Released in 1944 as well, this color classic can be watched year round, although its most famous for Judy singing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Laura is one that would pop up on my top 10 almost everyday to be honest. It is one of the best films ever, and certainly one of the best film noirs. It stars Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Vincent Price, Clifton Webb, and Judith Anderson, and was released in 1944 as well. The film follows Dana Andrews as he tries to unravel the mysterious death of the film’s namesake, Laura. And there’s a twist….. trust me, it’s one you’ll never see coming. Two more favorites are Cat on a Hot Tin Roof from 1958, and The Best Years of Our Lives from 1946. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof stars Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor, and is based on the Tennessee Williams play. The Best Years of Our Lives stars a slew of greats including Myrna Loy, Frederich March, Dana Andrews and Teresa Wright. It follows WW2 vets as they try to re-adjust to their home lives and work. Any of these movies would be perfect for a movie night with your friends or family, just add some popcorn, candy and a cozy blanket. I hope you enjoyed my classic movie favorites. As you can see, I love the 40’s and 50’s a lot! Drop a comment, or visit my Instagram page, I’d love to hear from you!
Slow down and enjoy a Tuesday Matinee.
I had no idea Notorious would be your #2! I didn’t know it would be top 10. You picked some great movies. You like a variety of actors/actresses & themes. Very interesting…
Well, other than Rear Window, the rest of the list isn’t in any particular order. But I do love Notorious A LOT!!!
You have excellent picks! Some of my favorites this week. 🥰
Hope you can watch some….. except Meet Me in St. Louis lol.